amir007-Q63RX1DEX Change - Osmosis - Top 10 Token Senders To Osmosis (Volume)
    Updated 2022-11-17
    with price as
    select recorded_at::date as date
    , case when symbol = 'EVMOS' then 'aevmos'
    when symbol = 'ATOM' then 'uatom'
    when symbol = 'JUNO' then 'ujuno'
    when symbol = 'BOOT' then 'boot'
    when symbol = 'STARS' then 'ustars'
    when symbol = 'UMEE' then 'uumee'
    when symbol = 'MNTL' then 'umntl'
    when symbol = 'SCRT' then 'uscrt'
    when symbol = 'HUAHUA' then 'uhuahua'
    when symbol = 'KUJI' then 'ukuji'
    when symbol = 'ROWAN' then 'rowan'
    when symbol = 'AXL' then 'uaxl'
    else lower (symbol)
    end as symbol
    , avg(price) as avg_price
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    group by 1, 2

    union all

    select recorded_at::date as date
    , case when symbol = 'EVMOS' then 'ibc/6AE98883D4D5D5FF9E50D7130F1305DA2FFA0C652D1DD9C123657C6B4EB2DF8A'
    when symbol = 'ATOM' then 'ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2'
    when symbol = 'BOOT' then 'ibc/FE2CD1E6828EC0FAB8AF39BAC45BC25B965BA67CCBC50C13A14BD610B0D1E2C4'
    when symbol = 'JUNO' then 'ibc/46B44899322F3CD854D2D46DEEF881958467CDD4B3B10086DA49296BBED94BED'
    when symbol = 'STARS' then 'ibc/987C17B11ABC2B20019178ACE62929FE9840202CE79498E29FE8E5CB02B7C0A4'
    else lower(symbol)
    end as symbol
    , avg(price) as avg_price
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    group by 1, 2

    union all
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