What Are Users Swapping gALGO3 For?

    gALGO3 is an asset that is pegged to ALGO. Users can lock their ALGO up on Folks.finance for governance and while their ALGO is locked they receive gALGO3 and you can use it for other defi activities. Read more about it here: https://docs.folks.finance/protocol-architecture/algo-liquid-governance Let’s look what users are swapping their gALGO3 for while their ALGO is locked in governance.

    number of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day


    chart the volume of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day


    About chart

    Given that on most days the swap to is higher than the swap from, it means that gALGO3 was bought more than it was sold.

    Therefore, buying has a significant advantage over supply.

    The reason for this can be related to the reward given to gALGO3 token holders.

    What DEXes are users swapping gALGO3 on?

    tinyman and pacfi are 2 dexes for swapping gALGO3


    breakout of number of gALGO3 swaps(to or from) by day for each dex


    What are the top 10 most popular to swap from to get gALGO3?


    What are the top 10 most popular to swap to from gALGO3?
