Updated 2022-11-18
    WITH bullsontheblock AS (
    SELECT * FROM ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
    WHERE event_type = 'sale'
    AND block_timestamp::DATE >= '2022-01-01'
    AND project_name IN ('bullsontheblock')
    AND buyer_address <> '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

    SELECT block_timestamp::DATE AS DAY,
    COUNT(DISTINCT tx_hash) AS number_of_transactions,
    COUNT(DISTINCT buyer_address) AS number_of_buyers,
    COUNT(DISTINCT seller_address) AS number_of_sellers,
    COUNT(DISTINCT tokenid) AS number_of_nfts,
    SUM(price) AS total_sales_amount,
    SUM(price_usd) AS total_sales_amount_usd,
    SUM(platform_fee) AS platform_fee,
    SUM(platform_fee_usd) AS platform_fee_usd,
    SUM(tx_fee) AS tx_fee,
    SUM(tx_fee_usd) AS tx_fee_usd
    FROM bullsontheblock
    GROUP BY 1
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