Fidenza Analysis Team20 MiniProjectDashboard1

    This dashboard hovers on the events about Fidenza sales. It encompasses data from the period 11th October 2022 to 25th October 2022. A trend in the purchase of Fidenza with the highest sales point in Ethereum terms, its historic pricing, secondary sales vs creator fee and art piece details are highlighted in the dashboard below. Query 1 provides an output of the highest priced fidenza(in ETH). Query 2 talks about the previous sales of fidenza #313. Query 3 talks about the NFT token that has been resold the most(TokenID 78000473) . Query 4 talks about the secondary sales on opensea(total fees and creator fees). The final Query 5 involves adding a parameter so the user can enter the start and end dates to see the total secondary sales and revenue between specific dates.