NFL All Day Analysis
In general, NFTs stands for Non-fungible tokens, where in Non-fungible can be defined as something that cannot be exchanged for another item because its unique. For example, one piece of Art is not equal to another as both will have unique properties. So, basically, NFTs are tokens that lives or survives on a blockchain and represent ownership of unique items. These NFT tokens in general will contain bit of information specific to it, such as unique token name, symbol etc.. and will be owned by the creator or artist of that token. These NFT tokens will be sold by performing sell & buy transactions on the particular blockchain.
The aim of this dashboard is to explore the total sales volume of NFL All Day and compare how does it stackup with other projects like NBA Top Shots, in terms of standard metrics like Total number of Sales, Total sales volume, Total number of distinct Buyers etc.., with supporting graphs and visuals.
For this analysis, we will first look at the Total sales volume of NFL All Day NFTs sold so far, Total number of Sales and Total number of distinct Buyers who bought the NFTs using the flow.core.fact_nft_sales table, with the help of nft_collection colume as ‘'A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.AllDay'.
Then we will identify the Total sales volume of NBA Top Shots NFTs sold so far, Total number of Sales and Total number of distinct Buyers who bought the NFTs using the flow.core.fact_nft_sales
table, with the help of nft_collection colume as “A.0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot” and marketplace as “A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.Market” or “A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3”.
Finally, we will compare NFL All Day NFTs with NBA Top Shot Project and find out where does it stack up in terms of standard metrics like Total sales volume of NFL All Day NFTs sold so far, Total number of Sales and Total number of distinct Buyers etc..
NFL All Day NFT Collections
Here are the visual that shows the there are 195.8K Total number of NFL All Day NFTs that have been sold so far and when we observed the daily trend of these sales, it is clear that a maximum number of NFL All Day NFT Sales i.e. 1.133M have been recorded on 23rd April 2022.
In the below graph, we can see the total sales volume of NFL All Day NFTs that have been sold so far is 9.17M and when we look at the daily Sales volume trend, maximum sales volume has been noticed on 23rd April 2022, with a total sales volume of 1.133M.
Looking at the below visuals, we can see that total number of distinct wallets who have purchased NFL All Day NFTs so far is aroudn 22.44K and if we look at the daily trend, a maximum of distinct buyers or wallets 6809 who bought NFL All Day NFTs has been observed on 21st of April 2022.
NBA Top Shots NFT Collections
Here are the visuals that shows the Total number of NBA Top Shots NFTs sold so far on Flow chain and when verified on a daily basis, we could see that highest numebr of NFTs like 67.475K have been sold on 6th May 2022. later on which the NFT Sales started to follow a decreasing trend while appraching towards the first week of July 2022.
In the below graphs that represents the total number of distinct wallets that have bought NBA Top Shots NFTs over the past 3 months on Flow chain seems to be 52K, where as when we look at daily statistics, it is clear that a maximum number of buyers had acquired NBA Top Shots NFTs on 6th of May 2022, with a count of 11.68K.
Looking at the below charts that represents the Total Sales volume of NBA Top Shots NFTs that have been sold so far, it is obvious that the Total sales volume is 30.4M and when observed on a daily basis, we could see that a maximum sales volume of 1.123M has been recorded on 26th of April 2022.
On seeing all the above graphs and visuals, we can conclude that
NFL All Day NFT Collection
- There are around 195.8K NFL All Day NFTs that have been sold so far and its gross sales volume so far is 9.17M.
- When observed on a daily basis, maximum number of NFL All Day NFTs ie. 28.44K have been sold on 23rd April 2022, grabbing a maximum Sales volume of 1.13M.
- Also, total number of distinct uers that have bought NFL All Day NFTs so far are around 22.4K.
NBA Top Shots NFT Collection
- About 1.55M NBA Top Shots NFTs have been sold so far, with a gross sales volume of 30.4M.
- According to daily sales records, the greatest number of NBA Top Shots NFTs i.e. 67.47K have been sold on 6th May 2022, with a highest sales volume of 1.122M on 26th April 2022.
- There have been around 52K unique wallets or users who have bought NBA Top Shots NFTs so far.
To summarize, we can observe a maximum number of NFT sales for both NFL All Day & NBA Top Shot Collections in the month of April 2022. For both collections, there has been a decreasing sales trend noticed while approaching towards the first week of July 2022. But, it is obvious that, NBA Top Shots had always remained domiant over NFL All Day collections in terms of Sales, distinct buyers count, Sale volume etc..