Q78. Let’s look at wallets that buy from AB2 Gallery to get a better understanding of purchasing behavior.
first step we want to show the Top buyers in terms of transactions by bar chart
the top purchaser is HFEPPHD62GE7HI52TDLGV2IK5UVT6EMJ5INE725JXWRRAHFG6UELLHG3SU the number of transaction is 2248
second top purchasers is HXVTFWYQHSACT25X4SE3V6OZFJ3OGAXS252DWKCQRUTMWO5PNU7GESZJIA the number number of buy is 2109
third top buyer is ZXJK4ST5RWH56NHB54DHU647BZMUHLU7MWE4QGV2UBER4MIBQ3EHCMG5RM and the number of buy is 1844
the below number is show us total purchasers
the number of total buyers is 227.8k
next below chart is about new users
we see the high number of user in oct 19 and the number is 1971.
the lowest number of user in may 30 and the number is 1.
we see the number user after oct17 decreasing
according the table we see the number talal sale is 54508400