barbod146/Whale Voters
    Updated 2022-02-15
    with tb as(
    with tb1 as(
    voter AS address,
    count(distinct proposal_id) as n_gov_votes
    from terra.gov_vote
    where block_timestamp > current_date - 90
    and voter in(select distinct address from terra.daily_balances where balance_usd>1000000 and date= CURRENT_DATE-1)
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    group by address


    msg_value:sender::string as address,
    count(distinct tx_id) as n_gov_votes
    from terra.msgs
    where block_timestamp > current_date - 90
    and msg_value:contract in (
    'terra1f32xyep306hhcxxxf7mlyh0ucggc00rm2s9da5', --anchor
    'terra1wh39swv7nq36pnefnupttm2nr96kz7jjddyt2x' --mir
    and msg_value:execute_msg:cast_vote is not null
    and address in(select address from terra.daily_balances where balance_usd>1000000 and date= CURRENT_DATE-1)
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    group by 1

    count(v.n_gov_votes) as vt_whale
    tb1 v),

    tb2 as (select count(distinct address) as total_whl from terra.daily_balances where balance_usd>1000000 and date= CURRENT_DATE-1)

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