barbodLuna comes from validators vs (regular wallets)
    Updated 2022-04-25
    with val as(with t1 as(SELECT
    MSG_VALUE:voter::string as voter
    from terra.msgs
    where MSG_TYPE='gov/MsgVote'
    and MSG_VALUE:option::string='VOTE_OPTION_YES')

    'From validators' as voters,
    count(PROPOSAL_ID) as vote,
    sum(voting_power) as voting_LUNA,
    voting_LUNA/vote as average_LUNA
    from terra.gov_vote
    where voter in (select voter from t1)
    and voter_address_label is not null

    wl as (with t1 as(SELECT
    MSG_VALUE:voter::string as voter
    from terra.msgs
    where MSG_TYPE='gov/MsgVote'
    and MSG_VALUE:option::string='VOTE_OPTION_YES')

    'From regular wallets' as voters,
    count(PROPOSAL_ID) as vote,
    sum(voting_power) as voting_LUNA,
    voting_LUNA/vote as average_LUNA
    from terra.gov_vote
    where voter in (select voter from t1)
    and voter_address_label is null)

    select * from val
    union all
    select * from wl
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