barbodhead to head 2
    Updated 2022-04-06

    with Top10DAI as ( select user_address,
    labels.label as label,
    labels.label_type as type
    from ethereum.erc20_balances join ethereum.labels
    on lower (user_address) = lower (address)
    where balance_date = (select max(balance_date) from ethereum.erc20_balances )
    and contract_address = '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f' --DAI
    order by 2 desc limit 10
    select case when label is not null then concat(label , '(type : ',type,' )')
    else user_address
    end as name ,
    amount_usd as amount
    from Top10DAI
    order by 2 desc

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