Question 147(Swing and a Miss)

    As can be seen from the bar chart, the highest rate of transactions is between Terra and Solana, and the lowest transacting rate of Terra belongs to Oasis. In detail, around 6.3%, 4.2%, 4.3%, 3.3%, 5.5%, and 2.8% of transactions are failed for Solana, BSC, Polygon, Avax, Ethereum, and Oasis, respectively. Considering only failed transactions, 71.3%, 9.8%, 9.5%, 3.9%, 5.3%, and 0.3% of total failed transactions are associated with the mentioned blockchains in the same order. In the Sankey diagram, it is apparently shown the flow of successful and failed transactions of Terra blockchain with the other blockchains. It should be mentioned that despite the lowest rate of transactions with the Oasis blockchain, it has the lowest failure rate of transactions accounting for 2.8%.