binhachon13. [Easy] Combinations - Total - Volume - Top 10
    Updated 2021-10-31
    -----------------------------Find if they're type 1 or 2---------------------------
    with swap_type as (
    select tx_id, count(tx_id) as num_tx_id from thorchain.swaps
    group by tx_id
    -----------------------------Give out score to each of the asset-------------------
    order_list_1 as (
    select asset, row_number() over (order by asset) as rownumer from (
    select distinct from_asset as asset from thorchain.swaps
    select distinct to_asset as asset from thorchain.swaps
    order_list_2 as (
    select asset, row_number() over (order by asset) as rownumer from (
    select distinct from_asset as asset from thorchain.swaps
    select distinct to_asset as asset from thorchain.swaps
    ------------------------------Select type 1 swap and put score on them-------------------------------------------------------------------
    swap_action_1 as(
    select from_asset, order_list_1.rownumer as from_asset_row_number, to_asset, order_list_2.rownumer as to_asset_row_number, from_amount_usd as amount_usd
    from thorchain.swaps left join order_list_1 on from_asset = order_list_1.asset
    left join order_list_2 on to_asset = order_list_2.asset
    where tx_id in (select tx_id from swap_type where num_tx_id = 1)
    ----------------------------Sort them according to my rule------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    swap_action_with_order_1 as(
    select case when from_asset_row_number >= to_asset_row_number then to_asset else from_asset end as asset_1,
    case when from_asset_row_number >= to_asset_row_number then from_asset else to_asset end as asset_2,
    from swap_action_1
    ----------------------------Remove unnecessary string and only keep the "blockchain" + "asset name" from the string--------------------
    final_table_1 as(
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