binhachon5. Galactic Punks - Amount
    Updated 2021-11-01
    with GP_deposit as(
    select block_timestamp, msg_value:sender::string as address, msg_value:coins[0]:amount::float/1e6 as amount from terra.msgs
    where msg_value:coins[0]:denom::string = 'uusd'
    and msg_value:contract::string = 'terra1jk0xh49ft2ls4u9dlfqweed8080u6ysumvmtcz'
    and msg_value:execute_msg:deposit is not null
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED')
    select blocktime, amount as hourly_amount, sum(amount) over (order by blocktime asc) as total_amount from(
    select date_trunc('hour', block_timestamp) as blocktime, sum(amount) as amount from GP_deposit
    group by blocktime
    order by blocktime desc

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