binhachonUntitled Query
    Updated 2021-11-30
    -- select balance_date, count(*), count_if(balance = 0), count_if(balance = lag(balance,1,0) over (partition by address_name order by balance_date)) from ethereum.erc20_balances
    -- where balance_date > getdate() - interval'3 days'
    -- group by balance_date
    select *, lag(balance,1,0) over (partition by address_name, contract_address order by balance_date) as balance_0 from ethereum.erc20_balances
    where user_address = '0x3b7cbba9715a4cd4e11679d96ded6a930f38df6c'
    and balance_date > getdate() - interval'3 days'

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