binhachonTerra Seigniorage - Double check
    Updated 2022-05-05
    'Balance on March 3rd 2021' as symbol,
    sum(balance) as balance
    from terra.daily_balances
    where currency = 'LUNA'
    and date = '2021-03-03'
    union all
    'Balance on May 3rd 2022' as symbol,
    sum(balance) as balance
    from terra.daily_balances
    where currency = 'LUNA'
    and date = '2022-05-03'
    -- select address, sum(balance) as t from terra.daily_balances
    -- where currency = 'LUNA'
    -- and date = '2021-03-03'
    -- group by 1
    -- order by t desc
    -- limit 1000
    Run a query to Download Data