binhachon24. [Easy] Unique Addresses - Test query for deposit function
    Updated 2021-11-10
    select tx_id from(
    select distinct tx_id from ethereum.udm_events
    where origin_function_signature = '0xe8eda9df'
    and to_address = '0x464c71f6c2f760dda6093dcb91c24c39e5d6e18c'
    and event_name = 'transfer'
    and date_trunc('Day', block_timestamp) > getdate() - interval'1 month'
    and date_trunc('Day', block_timestamp) < getdate() - interval'2 days'


    select distinct tx_id from aave.deposits
    where date_trunc('Day', block_timestamp) > getdate() - interval'1 month'
    and date_trunc('Day', block_timestamp) < getdate() - interval'2 days'

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