binhachon30. [Hard] Sankey Swap Diagrams - Labels
    Updated 2021-12-18
    with pool_list as (
    select asset, row_number() over (order by asset) as ID from (
    select distinct from_asset as asset from thorchain.swaps
    where (to_asset = 'THOR.RUNE' or from_asset = 'THOR.RUNE')
    select distinct to_asset as asset from thorchain.swaps
    where (to_asset = 'THOR.RUNE' or from_asset = 'THOR.RUNE')
    query_data as(
    case when position('-', from_asset, 1) = 0 then from_asset else
    substr(from_asset, 1, position('-', from_asset, 1) - 1) end as source,
    source_id.ID - 1 as source_id,
    case when position('-', to_asset, 1) = 0 then to_asset else
    substr(to_asset, 1, position('-', to_asset, 1) - 1) end as destination,
    case when destination = 'THOR.RUNE' then destination_id.ID - 1 else destination_id.ID + 30 end as destination_id, sum(from_amount_usd) as volume, count(tx_id) as frequency from thorchain.swaps
    left join pool_list source_id on source_id.asset = from_asset
    left join pool_list destination_id on destination_id.asset = to_asset
    where (to_asset = 'THOR.RUNE' or from_asset = 'THOR.RUNE')
    group by source, source_id, destination, destination_id
    order by source_id, destination_id
    select * from (
    select distinct source as label, source_id as ID from query_data
    select distinct destination as label, destination_id as ID from query_data
    order by ID
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