binhachon11. [Easy] Liquidity provision - Add_amount_usd
    Updated 2021-10-30
    with lp_actions as(
    select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as blocktime,
    case when position('-', pool_name, 1) = 0 then pool_name else
    substr(pool_name, 1, position('-', pool_name, 1) - 1) end as pool_name,
    lp_action, rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd as amount_usd
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    add_remove_liquidity as(
    select blocktime, pool_name, sum(amount_usd) as add_amount_usd, 0 as withdraw_amount_usd from lp_actions
    where lp_action = 'add_liquidity'
    group by blocktime, pool_name
    union all
    select blocktime, pool_name, 0 as add_amount_usd, sum(amount_usd) as withdraw_amount_usd from lp_actions
    where lp_action = 'remove_liquidity'
    group by blocktime, pool_name
    select blocktime, pool_name, sum(add_amount_usd) as add_amount_usd, sum(withdraw_amount_usd) from add_remove_liquidity
    where blocktime > getdate() - interval'30 days'
    group by blocktime, pool_name
    order by blocktime desc, add_amount_usd
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