Daily bETH Volume

    stETH is the liquid form of your staked Ethereum. So imagine, you stake your precious Ethereum because you believe it'll go to (*insert some crazy $ number here*) and you receive the staking rewards of around 5% AND you still can use the staked ETH as collateral to go borrow some $UST from Anchor Protocol AND also get paid to do so. That are what Lido Finance do. When you stake your ETH on Lido, you will receive stETH and you can bridge this stETH to Terra network using the Bridge and you will receive bETH. In this dashboard, we will see the flow of stETH/bETH moving across the bridge through Lido.

    The graph below shows the volume of Ether flows into and out of Anchor protocol denomed in ETH.

    INFLOW = stETH to bETH (from Ethereum to Terra) (in green)

    OUTFLOW = bETH to stETH (from Terra to Ethereum) (in red)


    We can see that there has been some surge in stETH coming to Terra from mid August where the volume of ETH coming to Terra reached more than 10K+. On September 1st, there has been some spike in outflow of more than 15K ETH but about a week later, there was a spike again but this time it's inflow. It almost as if those people who withdrew a week ago realized it was a mistake then aped-in again.

    The columbus-5 upgrade went live on 30th September. Leading to that, there has been stable inflow for a couple of week with very few outflows.