boomer77LP Participation THOR
    Updated 2021-12-11
    --(sum(rune_amount_usd)/total_supplied)*100 as ratio_rune, (100-ratio_rune) as ratio_asset

    with add_lp as (select from_address, pool_name, sum(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as Total_Supplied
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where lp_action = 'add_liquidity' and from_address is not null
    group by 1,2),

    remove_lp as (select from_address, pool_name, sum(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as total_removed
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where lp_action = 'remove_liquidity' and from_address in (select from_address from add_lp)
    group by 1,2),

    final as (select a.from_address, a.pool_name, a.total_supplied, b.total_removed, CASE
    when b.total_removed is null then 0
    else b.total_removed end as rem_lp,
    (a.total_supplied - rem_lp) as current_lp_position_usd
    from add_lp a
    left outer join remove_lp b on a.from_address = b.from_address and a.pool_name = b.pool_name),

    lasts as (select from_address, count(distinct pool_name) as current_pool, sum(current_lp_position_usd) as total_volume_lp
    from final
    group by 1
    having total_volume_lp > 1)

    select current_pool, count(distinct from_address) as address_count
    from lasts
    group by 1