boomer77uniswap wd $eth
    Updated 2022-09-13
    with uniswap as (select block_timestamp, tx_hash, action, liquidity_provider, amount0_adjusted as eth, amount0_usd as eth_usd
    from ethereum.uniswapv3.ez_lp_actions
    where action = 'DECREASE_LIQUIDITY' and token0_symbol = 'WETH' and amount0_adjusted > 0 and date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-07-01'
    union all
    select block_timestamp, tx_hash, action, liquidity_provider, amount1_adjusted as eth, amount1_usd as eth_usd
    from ethereum.uniswapv3.ez_lp_actions
    where action = 'DECREASE_LIQUIDITY' and token1_symbol = 'WETH' and amount1_adjusted > 0 and date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-07-01')

    select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as dt, sum(eth) as eth_withdrew, sum(eth_usd) as eth_withdrew_usd, count(distinct liquidity_provider) as withdrawer_count,
    count(distinct tx_hash) as tx_count
    from uniswap
    group by 1
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