14. Validator Ranking

    Validator Ranking

    In this dashboard, we look at terra.rewards to determine a wide range of top 10 validator rankings by rewards received.

    Monthly, the breakdown for May, June and July(july so far) is the following (see chart + data below):

    We can break down the following information by month (May, June and July, respectively):

    B-Harvest 3,10,7

    DSRV - CHAISCAN.com 7,9,10

    Fair Square Lab 6,null,null

    Luna Maximalists 8,null,null

    Mosaic 4,5,5

    Mr.K 5,null,null

    Smart Stake 9,null,9

    Terran One 2,4,4

    hashed 1,1,null

    mainnet-validator 10,null,null

    Arrington XRP Capital null,6,8

    Figment Networks null,8,null

    HuobiPool null,2,6

    Orion.Money null,3,1

    Staked null,7,null

    BTC.Secure null,null,3

    Staker Space null,null,2

    When looking at the weekly, it can get a lot more complicated because the top 10 positions are constantly changing. Take a look at my charts below for both the monthly top 10s and the weekly top 10s.

    Main takeaways from this data:

    I believe that the monthly is more importantly than the weekly here. The weekly is constantly changing and harder to track who is actually one of the highest ranking validators.

    From the top 10 data,

    'hashed' was #1 two months in a row - important data!

    ONLY 'B-Harvest', 'DSRV - CHAISCAN.com','Mosaic','Terran One' are the 4 validators who are in all 3 monthly top 10s. (also July is less than 2 weeks of data, so this should be taken lightly.)

    Validator Rankings seem to have some consistent faces, while new names are coming up each week!

    Super cool data!
