23. Gas fees on failed Ethereum transactions

    What an awesome metric to study! I'm proud of this one :D This dashboard contains the following data/charts: Ethereum Average Gas Fees - Success vs Failed - Percentages (90 days - daily) Failed Gas Fees - Percentages (90 days - daily) Ethereum Average Gas Fees - Success vs Failed - Percentages (30 days - daily) Failed Gas Fees - Percentages (30 days - daily) Ethereum Average Gas Fees - Success vs Failed - Percentages (7 days - hourly) Failed Gas Fees - Percentages (7 days - hourly) These two charts + datasets are generated by calculating the total number of transactions (succeeded + failed) and then multiplying it by the average price for the hour or day, respectively. Conclusion **After reviewing this data, there has been no significant change in the past 7 days or 30 days, but on the 90 day trend we see there has been a continual increase in fees given for failed transactions.** I have also included some charts of the total number of successful vs failed transactions at the bottom of this dashboard. Not as significant because it doesn't account for the fees themselves, but it is interesting to note the total number of failed transactions vs successful. Note the one hour - June12th 10:00 that failed transactions exceeded successful. This is the only time that occurred.