Uniswap Grant Program v3 - Analytics Dashboard
This dashboard investigates a wide range of Uniswap analytics. Including top-ranking pools/swap, total liquidity transactions and swap transactions - broken down by token, totals, and daily/hourly increments.
Finally, let's take a look at the top 25 pools by total liquidity (USD value).
Less volume, but still significant! Take a look at the Top 11 thru 20 Swaps on Uniswap by Volume (USD value). Some impressive numbers!
Take a look at the Top 1 thru 10 Swaps on Uniswap by Volume (USD value). Some impressive numbers!
More about whales - but this time, we're talking Swaps! Taking a look at the total number of $100k+ USD value swaps taking place since May 15th. A crazy number of $100k+ swaps on May 19th - the day of the decline! The hourly gives a neat perspective, showing that were are some significant hours where volume increases, but the daily is informative as well. Both bar charts, daily and hourly, respectively.
Again, focusing on whale-movements but looking at total volume instead of increasing/decreasing positions. Both bar charts, daily and hourly, respectively.
Next, we focus more on whale-movements. Defined as transactions with $100k USD or more. Similar to the liquidity values for the most part, but one thing I found interesting is the May 19th movement is the ONLY day where decreasing positions outweighed the increasing. With total liquidity volume, there were multiple days. This tells me that the whales are more steadfast/immovable than your average retail investor. (<$100k transactions). Both bar charts, daily and hourly, respectively.
First, let's look at the total volume of liquidity since May 15th. This date range is variable of course. Something significant to note is that on the day of the recent large drop, it was one of only 2 days where withdrawals outnumbered deposits in total USD value. Both in Bar and Line charts, daily.
Another visual representation of liquidity since May 15th. Hourly instead of daily, gives an interesting perspective on liquidity movements in more detail. Both in Bar and Line charts, hourly.