c2ctraderImpact of Terra integration on new wallets created (Percent of Growth)
    Updated 2022-04-19
    with integration_datetime as(
    select min(block_timestamp) datetime
    from thorchain.swaps
    where blockchain = 'TERRA'
    transfers as (
    select 'transfer' flag, t.block_timestamp datetime, t.from_address wallet_address
    from thorchain.transfers t
    where wallet_address is not null
    swaps as(
    select 'swap' flag, s.block_timestamp datetime, s.from_address wallet_address
    from thorchain.swaps s
    where wallet_address is not null
    liquidity as(
    select 'liquidity' flag, l.block_timestamp datetime, l.from_address wallet_address
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions l
    where wallet_address is not null
    all_wallet_address as(
    select * from transfers UNION ALL select * from swaps UNION all select * from liquidity
    unique_wallet_address as(
    select min(datetime) datetime,wallet_address from all_wallet_address
    group by wallet_address
    number_of_wallets_before_integration as(
    select date_trunc('day',datetime) datetime_before_integration ,count(wallet_address) number_of_wallets_before_integration from unique_wallet_address
    where datetime BETWEEN dateadd('day',-10,(select datetime from integration_datetime)) and (select * from integration_datetime)
    group by datetime_before_integration
    order by datetime_before_integration
    number_of_wallets_after_integration as(
    select date_trunc('day',datetime) datetime_after_integration ,count(wallet_address) number_of_wallets_after_integration from unique_wallet_address
    where datetime BETWEEN (select * from integration_datetime) and dateadd('day',10,(select datetime from integration_datetime))
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