carlesmontalaflow wallet dominance
    Updated 2022-11-06
    trunc(a.block_timestamp,'week') as date,
    when payer = '0x39e42c67cc851cfb' then 'lilico'
    when payer = '0x55ad22f01ef568a1' then 'Blocto'
    when payer = '0x18eb4ee6b3c026d2' then 'Dapper'
    when payer = '0x93615d25d14fa337' then 'ChainMonsters'
    when payer = '0x1b65c33d7a352c61' then 'Cricket Moments'
    when payer = '0x94bb84386cfc3b5d' then 'Everbloom'
    when payer = '0x4bbff461fa8f6192' then 'Fantastec'
    when payer = '0xecfad18ba9582d4f' then 'JoyRide'
    when payer = '0x39e42c67cc851cfb' then 'Lilico'
    when payer = '0x8234007b36f8113c' then 'Monsoon'
    when payer = '0x6f649aee955bef6d' then 'RCRDSHP'
    when payer = '0x9b00972a3ecb364b' then 'Seussibles'
    else 'Others'
    end as wallets,
    count(distinct a.tx_id) as txs,
    sum(txs) over(partition by wallets order by date) as cum_txs,
    sum(event_data:amount) as fees,
    sum(fees) over(partition by wallets order by date) as cum_fees,
    count(distinct proposer) as users,
    sum(users) over(partition by wallets order by date) as cum_users
    from flow.core.fact_transactions a join flow.core.fact_events b on a.tx_id = b.tx_id
    where EVENT_TYPE='TokensWithdrawn' and a.TX_SUCCEEDED = 'TRUE'
    group by 1,2
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