šŸŒ† PARCL v3 - Real Estate futures trading on Solana

    Parcl v3: An Evolved Perpetual Futures DEX on the Solana blockchain. Parcl v3 elevates trading in synthetic real estate markets, offering significant advancements over previous versions. With dynamic risk management, dollar-for-dollar accounting, enhanced capital efficiency, and a single, scalable liquidity pool, V3 is a testament to sophisticated trading. It is the best venue for liquid real estate exposure. This dashboard aims to present a comprehensive picture of Parcl v3 and the behaviour of the different profiles of users over time, using data extracted from the Solana blockchain since the inception of Parcl v3 on November 14th, 2023. It contains four tabs: main key metrics, daily insights, weekly insights (deeper dive in the data), and HOA Parcl NFTs. Some metrics appear only in the weekly tab and not in the daily tab, since I thought the daily data for these specific metrics would be "too noisy" and/or that granularity wouldn't offer better insights (one might argue the opposite). -- For more insights into how I calculated and approximated all these metrics, I encourage the reader to check the query code and comments! (can be found by clicking on the name of the query table).