EVM Developer Snapshot

    What types of contracts are deployed to each EVM chain, which chain gets the most of which contract type?


    Since Jan 1, 2022 (change min_date/max_date above)

    • 10,000s of contracts are deployed every day on EVM chains.
    • Most are designed general automations (bots), sub-components of a broader protocol, or "smart wallets" to more securely host assets.
    • Flipside categorizes contracts across NFT, DEX, Token, DeFi, Dapp, Central Exchange, Bridge, and Gaming.
    • Explore how different chains (which have different costs!) get different kinds of contracts launched on them.
    • Click "other" to hide it from the chart and make known categories easier to explore.

    What kinds of Contracts are there?

    • New Tokens Whether NFTs, DeFi tokens, or receipt tokens (e.g., tokens that track deposits); both transferrable and non-transferrable tokens get made every day.

    Some are new, some are wrappers or synthetics of known tokens (like USDC getting bridged by Axelar into axlUSDC).

    • Liquidity Pools Developers of new tokens often deploy liquidity in Uniswap v2, Sushiswap, Uniswap v3, Curve, among other Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). They do this by calling the Factory contract to request a new liquidity pool to enable trading of their token.

    • Protocols Protocols deploy numerous (modular) contracts to manage how users interact with their apps and how the apps manage and transmit data and tokens across contracts. They may even themselves new contracts like NFTs or Smart Wallets.

    • Bots Similar to protocols managing data between their apps, developers make bots to interact with multiple protocols at once. For example, arbitrage bots that allow the developer to quickly trade assets on multiple liquidity pools to close price gaps and extract profit.

    Who Deploys Contracts?

    • Contracts can deploy contracts! "Factories" like UniswapV2Factory allow anyone to create liquidity pools for their tokens permissionlessly.

    • Central Exchanges Coinbase (Commerce) and Kraken deploy contracts to more smoothly manage their customer deposits and avoid the complexity of managing 100,000s of private keys.

    • "Smart" Wallets Gnosis, the premier "Smart Contract Wallet" factory enables people to secure or manage assets via a contract that requires multiple parties to sign off on each transaction.

    • Individual Developers 100s of new protocols, NFTs, Tokens, and bots are deployed by un-labeled individuals every day.
