The other major source of charitable funds is generated by their, somewhat newer, NFT collection. This is set up on Rarible and takes a 50% cut to send their treasury.

    NFT collection:

    NFT Collection

    Charity Treasury

    Funds collected for KEANU's charitable projects are sent to a multisig wallet for later disbursal to charities voted on by the community. Located here, they have at present sent only a few major donations (relative to their size). Most notably a ~$500 donation to Hope for Paws (in green below), an animal rescue non-profit that accepts donations in Ethereum.

    The two major sources of funding for this account are fees collected from their DEX project -- MatrEX -- and their NFT collection.

    Charities are selected through an internal poll, and are voted on by the community. They primarily interact with their community through their discord, which is something of an issue. Though the charity treasury is multisiged and they have renounced ownership of the actual token, it adds a layer of opaqueness that makes it somewhat difficult to see where the donations are sent and how they are selected.


    MatrEX -- ETH-KEANU Pool

    Keanu is a (small) charity project aimed at driving funds towards charitable causes voted on internally by the community.

    The core of it is MatrEX Swap, a liquidity pool which takes a 0.2% fee of every swap that gets sent to charity.

    From a mechanical standpoint KEANU is doing nothing extraordinary, with a fairly simple system. Swaps done through MatrEX are routed through the Uniswap V2 KEANU-ETH Pool (listed here, and when done through their interface a function takes the 0.2% cut and sends it to their charity address.
