connorhPolygon Bridge
    -- Bridged Amounts to Polygon
    with tmp AS (
    select DATE(block_timestamp) AS balance_date,event_name, LOWER(COALESCE(event_inputs:depositReceiver,event_inputs:exitor)) AS user_address,
    CASE WHEN event_name <> 'LockedEther' THEN event_inputs:amount/POWER(10,18)*-1 ELSE event_inputs:amount/POWER(10,18) END AS amount_eth
    from ethereum.events_emitted
    where event_name IN ('LockedEther','ExitedEther') AND contract_address = '0x8484ef722627bf18ca5ae6bcf031c23e6e922b30' AND user_address IS NOT NULL

    ), deltas AS (
    SELECT balance_date, user_address,SUM(amount_eth) AS amount
    FROM tmp
    GROUP BY 1,2
    ORDER BY balance_date

    ), balances AS (
    SELECT balance_date, user_address,
    SUM(amount) over (partition by user_address order by balance_date asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS net_bridged
    FROM deltas
    ORDER BY balance_date DESC


    SELECT *
    FROM balances
    WHERE balance > 0
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