AAVE and stAAVE movements


    AAVE and stAAVE movements

    Create visualizations showing the following:


    • Daily AAVE supplied and withdrawn on Aave protocol.


    • Daily AAVE staked and unstaked. \n


    • With the help of the table flipside_prod_db.cave.deposits and flipside_prod_db.aave.withdrawals, under the condition SYMBOL = 'AAVE', the number of transactions related to Supply and Withdraw, as well as their dollar volume, were examined on different days. (Chapter 1)

    • With the help of the AAVE_VERSION column in these tables, the use of versions 1 and 2 of Aave was examined over time(Chapter 2).

    • The check on Supply and Withdrawal in the last 90 days was also done(Chapter 3).

    • Stake and Unstake transactions were examined under the following conditions with the help of fact_event tables(Chapter 4).

      CONTRACT_ADDRESS =('0x4da27a545c0c5B758a6BA100e3a049001de870f5') --stkAAVE

      and ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS = ('0x4da27a545c0c5B758a6BA100e3a049001de870f5')

      EVENT_NAME = 'Staked' for Staking Transactions and EVENT_NAME = 'Redeem' for Unstaking Transactions.

    • The review on Staking and Unstaking behavior of users were also done in the last 3 months(Chapter 5).

    What is Aave?

    Aave is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized (one-block liquidity) fashion.Faq

    How does Aave work?

    Aave is perhaps best described as a system of lending pools. 

    Participants deposit funds they wish to lend, which are then collected into a liquidity pool. Borrowers may then draw from those pools when they take out a loan. These tokens can be traded or transferred as a lender wishes. 

    To facilitate this activity, Aave issues two types of tokens: aTokens, issued to lenders so they can collect interest on deposits, and AAVE tokens, which are the native token of Aave. 

    The AAVE cryptocurrency offers holders several advantages. For instance, AAVE borrowers don’t get charged a fee if they take out loans denominated in the token. Also, borrowers who use AAVE as collateral get a discount on fees. 

    AAVE owners can further look at loans before they are released to the general public if they pay a fee in AAVE. Borrowers who post AAVE as collateral can also borrow slightly more. 

    The data firm Nomics has a more extensive list of AAVE's features.More info

    Chapter 1. Aave Supply and Withdraw by day

    Chapter 2. Aave V1 and V2 Sum of Supply and Withdraw by day

    Chapter 3. Aave Supply and Withdraw by day- Last 90 days

    Chapter 4. Aave Stake and UnStake by day

    Chapter 5. Aave Stake and UnStake by day - Last 90 days


    ==Vis 1-1 and Vis 1-2:==

    The number of Supply and Withdraw transactions in the first 6 months of 2022 has clearly decreased from the number of transactions in the first 6 months of 2021, as well as the number of transactions in the last period of 2020. (From 30-50 Transactions per day to 5-10 transactions per day)

    The dollar volume of Supply and Withdraw transactions in February and May 2021 has seen very high figures, which, as can be seen, due to the size of these figures, the figures for other days are very insignificant.

    ==Vis 1-3 and Vis 1-4:==

    The cumulative chart of the number of transactions as well as the dollar volume of Supply and Withdraw over time can help us to check the behavior of users at different intervals.

    The starting point of this cumulative chart is October 21, 2020.

    ==Vis 1-5 :==

    The ratio of Supply and Withdraw transactions on different days can be seen, as can be seen in some intervals, Supply transactions had a higher ratio and in some intervals, Withdraw transactions had more.

    ==Vis 1-6:==

    The total dollar volume of Supply and Withdraw transactions can be seen. We have had about 3 billion dollars of Withdraw transactions and 2.6 billion dollars of Supply transactions.


    ==Vis 2-1 and Vis 2-3:==

    In October and November 2020, the number of transactions related to Aave Version 1 was relatively higher than version 2, but over time, in terms of the number of transactions, Aave Version 2 transactions increased.

    In terms of dollar volume, as can be seen, the proportion of transactions related to version 1 was higher from October to December 2020, and after that, transactions related to version 2 accounted for the largest daily dollar volume.

    ==Vis 2-2:==

    About 71% of Supply and Withdraw transactions have been done by Aave version 2, which is a figure equivalent to almost 4 billion dollars.

    On the other hand, about 29% of transactions equivalent to almost 1.6 billion dollars were done by Aave version 1.

    ==Vis 4-1:==

    The highest amount of UnStake was done on February 14, 2021, in the amount of $96 million. After that, April 12, 2021, has the highest amount of UnStake with $62.4 million. The ratio of Stake to Unstake varies on different days, but on some days we have seen a sudden increase in the amount of one of these two types of transactions.

    ==Vis 4-2:==

    From October to December 2020, most transactions were of Stake type.On October 3, 2020, with 1301 Stake transactions, the highest number was recorded.

    Apart from July 19, 2022, if we compare the number of Stake and UnStake transactions at the end of 2020 and the first 6 months of 2021 with the first 6 months of 2022, we will see that the number of transactions has decreased relatively. On July 19, 2022, we saw 1035 Stake transactions, which is a high number compared to the days before and after that.

    In ==Vis 5-1 and Vis 5-2==, the last 3 months of these transactions have been checked.

    ==Vis 4-3 and Vis 4-4:==

    Aave Stake and Unstake transactions have been reviewed in terms of cumulative number as well as cumulative dollar volume.With the help of these charts, it is easy to make a comparison between these two types in different time periods.

    A total of 28.34k Stake transactions have been made with a volume of $1.137 billion. On the other hand, 13.64k UnStake transactions have been completed for a total of about $1.41 billion.