Bridge Volume (Hop Protocol)

    Q2. How much volume has Hop bridged to Polygon, Optimism, and Arbitrum compared to those protocols’ native bridges? What is Hop’s total TVL? Create an analysis on the Hop’s TVL and how it’s changed over a time period of your choosing.


    Hop is a scalable rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup to another almost immediately without having to wait for the rollup’s challenge period.FAQ

    As can be seen, at the beginning of January, the number of bridge transactions to send eth to Polygon was more, but in the following months, with the news about the Arbitrum network, the number of transactions to this network increased.

    At the end of May and the beginning of June, news about the AirDrop Optimism token increased the volume of eth sending, as well as the number of separate wallets sent to the optimism network. On June 1, this amount reached its maximum.

    It can be seen that the separate wallets that were sent to the ETH Arbitroma via the hop bridge are with 31.4k the most and then the optimism and Polygon with the numbers ​​of 18256 and 11293 respectively. This also can be seen in the volume of ETH bridged.

    Observing the above results, it is clear that the number of users using native bridges of each network is more than the hop bridge by far.

    It is also observed that the trend of using native bridges, especially in Polygon and Arbitrum, is decreasing day by day. This could be due to the increasing development of other bridges such as Hop, which allow users to have more options to choose from.