Distinct Wallets (Optimism Bridge)
Analyzing the number of distinct wallets that have deposited or withdrawn ETH to Optimism via the native bridge in the last two month:
As you can see in the Bar chart on June 1, 2022, 23.53k individual wallets used Optimism native bridge.
If you compare this number with the days before and after, you will see that the Optimism native bridge was used about four times more on this particular day than on June 2 and two times more than 31 May.
Between May 31 and June 2, the use of the native Optimism bridge recorded the highest number compared to the days before and after. And a total of 37,185 unique wallets have been used these days. These 3 days had the highest number of uses of this bridge.
This sharp change might have some reasons and when we look at the news around the Optimism network, we will notice that on June 1, they airdropped the official token of their network to the early users.
They also reminded the eligible users on May 27 that they need ETH on the Optimism network to claim AirDrop and they can send the required amount to the Optimism using the native bridge.
There are two contract for Optimism Native Bridge : 0x52ec2F3d7C5977A8E558C8D9C6000B615098E8fC and 0x99C9fc46f92E8a1c0deC1b1747d010903E884bE1
warp speed and standard speed