Hop Bridge

    Q1. How many unique users have bridged to L2s using Hop? What days in the past 6 months have seen the most volume bridged, and were there any specific events that may have driven these spikes? Which assets have been bridged the most? Show an analysis of the asset distribution of bridging through Hop.


    Hop is a scalable rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup to another almost immediately without having to wait for the rollup’s challenge period.FAQ

    As can be seen, at the beginning of January, the number of bridge transactions to send eth to Polygon was more, but in the following months, with the news about the Arbitrum network, the number of transactions to this network increased.

    At the end of May and the beginning of June, news about the AirDrop Optimism token increased the volume of eth sending, as well as the number of separate wallets sent to the optimism network. On June 1, this amount reached its maximum.

    By examining the different assets that have been sent by distinct wallets to different networks through the Hop bridge. It is observed that the volume of ETH sent to different networks includes the largest number of user bridges.

    As can be seen, the number of distinct users who sent eth to the Optimism Network around June 1 has clearly increased.

    If we examine all transactions instead of checking separate wallets, we will get the same data as before:


    Examining the above data, it was observed that the number of separate wallet transactions on the hop bridge has increased slightly. On June 1, this amount reached its maximum due to the news about the AirDrop Optimism token.
