Polygon Block Performance
Polygon Block Performance
What is the average time between blocks on Polygon?
What was the maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks? How many transactions are done in a block on average? How do these numbers compare to L1 such as Flow or Solana, or other L2 such as Arbitrum or Optimism?
For this dashboard, the new polygon.core.fact_blocks
database has been used for Polygon, the start date of this table is 06.06.2022, for a better comparison between different networks, this date was also considered for the start of calculations related to other networks.
The following code was used to calculate the time difference between the blocks for the polygon:
select datediff(second,f.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP,s.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as timedifference
from polygon.core.fact_blocks f --first
join polygon.core.fact_blocks s --second
In this method, we always have a time difference between two consecutive blocks, It is possible that the database does not have some blocks, and if we use the Lag method, the time difference between blocks is not necessarily the time difference between two consecutive blocks, and this may affect the results.
Average, minimum, and maximum calculations were done on it. For other networks, the same method was used according to their fact_blocks tables.
To calculate the number of transactions in each block, the tx_count column of this database was used and the analysis was done on it.
Polygon Network
Polygon, formerly known as the Matic Network, is a scaling solution that aims to provide multiple tools to improve the speed and reduce the cost and complexities of transactions on blockchain networks. \n \n At the center of Polygon’s vision is Ethereum, a platform that is home to a range of decentralized applications, ones where you can join virtual worlds, play games, buy art, and participate in a range of financial services. However, this much activity on its blockchain has rendered Ethereum almost unusable, as the cost of transmission is rising and traffic is becoming clogged.
Enter Polygon. In a nutshell, Polygon bills itself as a layer-2 network, meaning it acts as an add-on layer to Ethereum that does not seek to change the original blockchain layer. Like its geometric namesake, Polygon has many sides, shapes, and uses and promises a simpler framework for building interconnected networks.More info
The information about the minimum, maximum, and average time difference between Polygon network blocks, as well as the average and the maximum number of transactions per block and the maximum number of transactions per block can be seen above.
The chart on the left shows a comparison between the average time difference between blocks for the Polygon network and other layer 1 networks similar to Ethereum, BNB chain, Avalanche, Solana, and Flow.
As can be seen, after Ethereum and BNB chain, the time difference between each block in the Polygon network is the third network with an average of 2.24 seconds. This value is less than a fifth of the average value in the Ethereum network. The lowest time difference between blocks is related to the Solana network with about 0.61 seconds, which is 4 times faster than the Polygon network.
As can be seen in the chart on the right, the time difference between the blocks in the second layer networks of Arbitrum and Optimism is approximately 0.89 and 0.92, respectively, which is almost less than half of the value of the polygon network.
In the chart above, the average time difference between blocks in the polygon network is compared with the first layer networks.
A logarithmic chart has been used for better visibility and better observation of changes by day.
For the Polygon network, this time difference varies between 2.1 and 2.3 on average on the offending days. These fluctuations are less compared to Flow and Solana networks fluctuations.
In the lower chart, the average time difference between Polygon network blocks with Optimism and Arbitrum second layer networks on different days is displayed.
As can be seen, the fluctuations related to the time difference in the Polygon network are much less than these fluctuations in the Optimism and Arbitrum networks. (It should be noted that the data of some networks such as Optimism and Arbitrum in the databases are updated from the specific date that is displayed.)
The chart on the left shows the comparison between the minimum and maximum time difference between consecutive blocks of the Polygon network with layer 1 networks. A logarithmic chart has been used for better visibility and better comparison. As it can be seen, the time difference of the Solana network is by far the largest, which is due to the continuous outages of this network.
After that, the time difference between Ethereum network blocks has the second maximum value. The value corresponding to the maximum of the polygon network is in the fourth place after the Flow network with 25 seconds.
The interesting point is that the minimum time difference in the Polygon network with 2 seconds is more than the Solana, Avalanche, and Flow networks’ time difference with 0 seconds and also the Ethereum network with 1 second.
The chart on the right is a comparison between the maximum and minimum time difference between consecutive blocks of the Polygon network and the second layer networks of Arbitrum and Optimism. The maximum time difference of the Polygon network is lower than both of these networks. As mentioned above, the average Polygon network's time difference fluctuations on different days are less than both of these networks.
In the chart on the left, the average and the maximum number of transactions per block of the Polygon network are shown next to these numbers in layer 1 networks.
In terms of the maximum number of transactions per block, the values of the Polygon and Ethereum networks are close to each other and around 1400 transactions.
The highest number of transactions per block is related to the Solana network compared to other networks by far. In terms of the average number of transactions, this network has the highest number compared to others. Comparing the average number of transactions per block of Polygon network with other layer 1 networks, it can be said that this number is higher than the average number of transactions per block of flow and Avalanche networks, but it is less than other ones. The average number of transactions in each block of the Polygon network is almost half of the number of the Ethereum network.
In the chart on the right, the average and the maximum number of transactions in each block of the polygon network are shown next to these number in layer 2 networks.
As you can see, this number is more than the number of layer 2 networks both in terms of average and maximum number.
The average number of transactions in each block of the Polygon network is almost 70 times more than this number in Optimism and Arbitrum networks.
In the chart above, the average number of transactions in each block of the Polygon network can be seen in addition to this number in layer 1 networks on different days since June 06.
As can be seen, on different days, the average number of transactions per block in the Solana and Ethereum networks fluctuates relatively less than in other networks. This average number has fluctuated between 70 and 90 on different days in the Polygon network.
The fluctuations of the average number of transactions in each block of the Flow network on different days are more than in other networks.