Polygon Bridger Destinations
The New database of the polygon which started on Jun 06 was Used. (for Ethereum transactions only the one which started on Jun 06 was selected).
First, the bridge transactions were removed from the Ethereum network and the time of these transactions was recorded. With the help of the article, it was determined that Ethereum to Polygon bridges are performed by 4 addresses. 2 PoS Bridge addresses,1 Plasma Bridge, and 1 erc20 bridge addresses(which are mentioned in the query)
Then these wallets were checked in the Polygon network and their first transaction after their bridge was checked. For this, a min(block_timestamp) was included for each wallet in the Polygon network, in the case that its block_timestamp is greater than the bridge transaction time.
The types of event_name transactions were checked and compared(section1).
The destination addresses of these addresses after the bridge were determined and it was checked whether these destination addresses are related to what. (section2).
Then the contracts of these transactions were examined to determine which projects were the first choice of users after the bridge and also which contracts include these transactions. (section3)
Polygon Bridger Destinations
Q5. Where do people go when they bridge to Polygon from Ethereum? What are the 10 most popular first destinations for Polygon addresses that have just bridged from Ethereum?
NOTE: We will be paying out this bounty under the following scale:
0-6 = no payout 7 = 50% payout 8 = 75% payout 9-10 = 100% payout 11-12 = 150% payout
Polygon brings you a trustless two-way transaction channel between Polygon and Ethereum by introducing the cross-chain bridge with Plasma and PoS security. With this users can transfer tokens across Polygon without incurring third-party risks and market liquidity limitations.
Polygon bridge provides a scaling solution that is near-instant, low-cost, and quite flexible. Polygon uses a dual-consensus architecture(Plasma + Proof-of-Stake (PoS) platform) to optimize for speed and decentralization. We consciously architected the system to support arbitrary state transitions on our sidechains, which are EVM-enabled.
There is no change to the circulating supply of your token when it crosses the bridge;
- tokens that leave the Ethereum network are locked and the same number of tokens are minted on Polygon as a pegged token (1:1).
- To move the tokens back to the Ethereum network, tokens are burned on the Polygon network and unlocked on the Ethereum network during the process.more info
Top Activity Type After Bridging to Polygon
Top Project which Users have interact with after bridging to polygon
Top destination addresses after bridging to polygon:
The most common type of user transaction after the bridge is the Transfer type; After that, Approval type transactions are the most typical. Users need to get access to the platforms to use their coins after the bridge, and this is the reason for the high number of this type of transaction.
After these two types, swap transactions are the third most frequent type of transaction with about 9.8% of the total. Further, by checking the destination addresses of these transactions, it will be better determined why these numbers are high.
==Chart 1-2, Chart 1-3 :==
In these charts, a daily review has been done on the types of transactions of users after the bridge.
As it is shown, transactions of Transfer and Approval types have the largest number compared to others, and on different days, one is the first and the other is the second most common.
==Chart 3-1:==
The projects that the users interacted with their contracts after the bridge are compared in this chart in terms of the number of transactions.
Metamsk was the most with 1736 transactions.
After that, there is the sandbox, which, as mentioned above, is one of the most popular destinations for users. Also, some users have purchased this token on the Polygon network, which makes the total number of transactions of these two categories the second most popular project.
Aave project pools are also one of the most popular among users who have done bridges.
==Chart 3-2:==
This chart shows the categories of projects and the number of transactions. As can be seen, dex projects have the highest number of used contracts, followed by contracts related to tokens.
==Chart 3-3:==
The transactions related to the projects that include the transactions of users after the bridge are displayed in this chart on different days.
Between June 11 and 18, transactions related to the Aave project had the highest number.
Transactions related to Metamask with 30-40 transactions have had an almost constant trend in this 2-month period.
Transactions related to Sandbox are also one of the most repeated transactions on different days.
==Chart 2-1:==
In the following, there are amendments regarding the labels of some destination addresses.
The WETH contract address has been the most popular destination for users after the bridge.
After that, the Metamask swap router address was the highest number of transactions destination.
The USDC contract was the third most frequent destination, followed by the quickswap router address.
==Explanation about some destination labels:==
Some destination addresses are labeled wrong or don’t have any label on the dm_label table.
The information related to them is determined with the help of polygonscan and is as follows:
'0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619' ='==WETH contract==’
'0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174' ='==USDC contract=='
‘0xc2132d05d31c914a87c6611c10748aeb04b58e8f’ ='==USDT contract=='
‘0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063’ = ‘==DAI contract==’
‘0x0d500b1d8e8ef31e21c99d1db9a6444d3adf1270’= ‘==WMatic Contract==’
‘0xa6e383bda26e4c52a3a3a3463552c42494669abd’ = ‘==Sand Token Staking Pool==’
‘0x57194feaca970a4e98a19c365fe144fb54f657db’=‘==TRUTH (PoS) (UFO==)’ ‘0x68b3465833fb72a70ecdf485e0e4c7bd8665fc45’=‘==Uniswap V3: Router 2==’
'0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a1670819833240f027b25eff' ='==0x: Exchange Proxy=='
==Chart 2-2:==
Most Popular destination addresses have been examined on different days and as can be seen, with the difference, the address related to the WETH contract, has the highest number of transactions on different days.