Q3. How popular are NFTs on Polygon? Track daily volume over the past month/year/etc.
How many Polygon users started off with NFTs?
First, by using polygon.core.dim_labels and on the condition which project name has nft or opensea in its name, I try to find the contracts of polygon nft project, then by using fact_event table on the condition that contract address of fact_event is the same as nft project address I examine them in terms of number of transactions and distinct wallets.
Second, by checking opensea contract address transactions on fact_event table I try to see the behavior of polygon users which attempt to buy or sell nft on opensea in terms of distinct wallets and volume of transactions.(for counting distinct wallet I try to extract “from” of event_input and for volume I try to use event_input value.
At the end, by using min block_timestamp of different address which has involved on nft activity and comparing that with all of wallets on polygon I try to find out how many of wallets started their activity on polygon with nft project type.
In the side graph, as you can see, the number of individual wallets active in nft projects on the Polygon network and their behavior on different days.
There are different types of transactions among these transactions, which include buying and selling nft, swapping, yield farming, etc.
In general, these users have been connected with nft-related projects these days.
The pie chart on the right shows the total number of transactions related to nft projects in the last month, as can be seen, the largest number is related to opensea, which is the largest marketplace for buying and selling nft on the Polygan network. After that, cool cats nft project has the highest number of transactions.
After the transactions of these two projects, the number of transactions of other projects is much less.
The total number of these transactions is less than 1% compared to the other two projects.
In the graph on the right, the total number of separate wallets active in different projects is checked.
As can be seen, the number of wallets related to opensea is the highest, followed by the transactions related to the cool cats nft project.
In the two graphs above, the behavior of individual active wallets in opensea as well as the total volume of their purchases and sales have been examined.
In terms of transaction volume, in the middle of June, the activity of users between June 16 and 20 was more than on other days. In recent days, the activity of users has also increased.
Because the number of transactions has not changed much except for the first few days of July. This change in the volume of transactions can be related to certain collections that were offered in this network on opensea on these dates.
In the two graphs above, the number of transactions on nft-related projects on the Polygon network in the past year has been reviewed. As can be seen, the number of transactions related to opensea is the largest by far compared to others.
After that, the transactions related to multinft, nft champion and cool cats nft projects are in the second to fourth places.
In terms of the number of individual wallets active in these projects, opensea is in first place with 36,216 and 47.6 percent of the total.
After that, cool cat nft and nft champion projects are in second and third place.
The chart above shows the status of individual wallets of different nft-related projects on the Polygon network on different days of the last year.
As can be seen in the chart, on some specific days, the number of transactions related to a specific project suddenly increased significantly compared to other days. For example, on February 16, 2022, 1052 separate wallets were active in the nft champion project. Or on March 29, 2391, wallets were active in the coincollect nft project. Or on April 6, 3601 wallets were connected to the multinft project.
Another noteworthy point is related to the increase in the activity of separate wallets of the cool cats nft project between April 16 and May 5.
In the chart above, the number of all active transactions in the field of nft in the past year has been examined. As can be seen, the number of opensea transactions is the largest by a significant difference compared to others, which is related to the purchase and sale of NFT users on this platform.
Another noteworthy point is the increase in transactions of certain projects on certain days of the year, which behaved similarly to what was said about their separate wallets.
These changes are related to news about the projects.
As you can see, in the last month, about 72k wallets have bought and sold nft in opensea on the Polygon network, of which 14.61k have started their first transaction with this activity.
The chart on the left shows the wallets that have benefited the most from nft activity. As it can be seen, a wallet has earned the most profit of about 268 thousand dollars from these activities.
It is interesting that this wallet did not have any special nft activity in terms of paying or minting and this wallet is probably an intermediary wallet for only selling nfts or receiving incentives from nft projects by this wallet.
At the end, there is a chart related to 20 wallets that have suffered the most from buying and selling nfts on opensea.