Tornado Cash Addresses


    Section 1: Tornado Cash addresses received the most Number of transactions

    Section 2: Tornado Cash addresses received the most transaction volume (worth)

    Section 3: Division of incoming transactions to Tornado Cash addresses based on transaction volume

    ==Vis 1-1:==

    In the last month, the address related to the router has received the most number of transactions with 17.31k transactions. After that, the address related to the instance registry has the second highest number of transactions received by a slight difference. The address related to the torn token is also in third place with 15.9k transactions. The Tornado Cash addresses 1eth, 0.1eth and 10eth are the three addresses that have the least number of transactions among the addresses with the most received transactions in the last month.

    1eth address with 6149, 10eth address with 4255, and 0.1eth address with 3663 transactions.

    ==Vis 1-2:==

    By checking the transactions of the last quarter, it can be seen that the order of the addresses with the most received transactions is the same as the order of the last 1 month.

    Router address with 46.254k, instance registry with 46.25k, and torn token with 39.6k transactions.The Tornado Cash addresses 1eth, 0.1eth and 10eth are the three addresses that have the least number of transactions among the addresses with the most received transactions in the last month.

    1eth address with 15.482k, 10eth address with 11.467k, and 0.1eth address with 7717 transactions.

    ==Vis 1-3:==

    By checking the transactions of the last year, it can be seen that the address related to torn token is the most with 105.3k incoming transactions, followed by the address related to the router with 89.7k transactions.

    ==Vis 2-1:==

    In the last 1 month, the router address has received the highest volume with 106.57k eth. After that, the 100 eth address is in second place with 82.1k eth received and the 10 eth address is in third place with 21.1 eth received. The amount of eth received by other addresses is very small compared to these 3 addresses.

    ==Vis 2-2:==

    In the last quarter, the router address has received the highest volume with 451.89k eth. After that, the 100 eth address is in second place with 385.9k eth received and the 10 eth address is in third place with 57.75 eth received. The amount of eth received by other addresses is very small compared to these 3 addresses.

    ==Vis 2-3:==

    By checking the addresses related to Tornado Cash that have received the largest amount of eth in the past year, it can be seen that the address related to 100 eth with 1.42 million has the highest amount, and then the address related to the router with 920.69k has the second highest amount of received eth.

    After that, the address related to the proxy with 777.17k eth received is in the third place and the address related to 10eth is in the fourth place with 249.11k eth received.

    Tornado Cash Addresses

    Tornado Cash is in the news due to the sanctions imposed by the US government and the freezing of $75K of USDC from Circle. The addresses tied to the service have been publicly posted online. (Hint: we also have them in our crosschain address labels table as well).


    Using those addresses:

    • Which of the Tornado Cash addresses received the most # of transactions in the last month, quarter, year
    • Which addresses received the most transaction volume (worth) in the last month, quarter, year
    • Over all the addresses, group the transactions into buckets by value.
    • How many tx in the 0.01-0.1 ETH range went to Tornado?
    • How many in the 0.1-1ETH range?
    • How many in the 1-10ETH range?
    • How many in the 10-100 ETH range?
    • How many above 100 ETH? (split further if better)


    Using the table flipside_prod_db.crosschain.address_labels, under the condition PROJECT_NAME = 'tornado cash', the addresses related to Tornado Cash were specified, and with the help of the ethereum.core.fact_traces table, the incoming transactions to these addresses were examined.

    • The addresses that have had the highest number of incoming transactions in the last month, last quarter and last year time frames were examined in Section 1.
    • The addresses that have had the highest eth volume of incoming transactions in the last month, last quarter and last year time frames were examined in Section 2.
    • Incoming transactions to Tornado Cash addresses are categorized in terms of transaction volume and are listed in section3.

    Due to checking the eth_value of the transactions to check the volume of transactions, only the transactions that were specific to ETH are listed.

    What is Tornado Cash?

    Tornado Cash is a decentralized, non-custodial privacy solution built on Ethereum. It improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between the recipient and destination addresses. Tornado Cash uses a smart contract that accepts ETH and ERC-20 deposits. These deposits can be withdrawn by any on-chain address. Whenever an asset is withdrawn by the new address, there is no way to link the withdrawal to the deposit, ensuring asset privacy.

    Tornado Cash uses zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) to achieve privacy. When a user decides to make a withdrawal, the user must provide proof that he or she possesses a secret corresponding to one of the smart contract’s lists of deposits. zk-SNARK technology allows this proof to be verified without the user needing to reveal which exact deposit corresponds to their secret. The smart contract then checks the proof, and transfers deposited funds to the address specified by the withdrawal transaction. Any external observer is unable to determine which deposit this withdrawal is linked to.

    U.S. Treasury Sanctions Notorious Virtual Currency Mixer Tornado Cash

    Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned virtual currency mixer Tornado Cash, which has been used to launder more than $7 billion worth of virtual currency since its creation in 2019. This includes over $455 million stolen by the Lazarus Group, a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) state-sponsored hacking group that was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2019, in the largest known virtual currency heist to date. Tornado Cash was subsequently used to launder more than $96 million of malicious cyber actors’ funds derived from the June 24, 2022, Harmony Bridge Heist, and at least $7.8 million from the August 2, 2022, Nomad Heist. Today’s action is being taken pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13694, as amended, and follows OFAC’s May 6, 2022 designation of virtual currency mixer (Blender). More info




    Considering that some of the transactions to Tornado Cash addresses are not related to ETH transactions, removing the transactions whose eth_value is equal to 0, can get a better view of the number of transactions related to each category.

    ==Vis 3-1 and Vis 3-2 :==

    Transactions with a volume of 1 ETH to 10 ETH have the largest number(30,802-33.8% of the total). After that, transactions with a volume between 10 ETH and 100 ETH are the second largest number of transactions with 25,257 transactions.

    Transactions with a volume of 100 ETH and more are in fourth place with 14,131 transactions, but as can be seen below, they have the largest amount, in terms of the total volume related to this category.

    ==Vis 3-3 and Vis 3-4:==

    More than 2.84 million Ether have been sent to Tornado Cash addresses through transactions of more than 100 ETH. This amount is about 83.4% of the total volume sent to these wallets, which is a significant amount. About 501,599 ETH were sent through transactions with a volume of 10 ETH to 100 ETH(14.7% of the total volume).

    The volume of ETH sent by other transactions is very small compared to these two categories.

    Considering that the transactions are calculated once to the router address and once to the corresponding address, so the main volume is half of these values.