True Freeze - 2. Distribution of Token Ownership
How many addresses hold frETH? Exclude labelled addresses, liquidity pools and protocol-owned addresses from the count. Visualize the distribution of frETH tokens amongst non-institutional addresses.
What is freezer-ETH (frETH)?
The freezer-ETH yield token (frETH) is your tokenized proof of patience. When you lock ETH into the future you're committing to HODL that ETH. You might already be bullish on ETH, but the market doesn't know that. By using True Freeze, you create on-chain evidence of your willingness to HODL ETH (proof of patience). Because ETH is a volatile asset (so far in 2022 it has traded at both $3,500 and $1,000) HODLing is hard. True Freeze enables WETH holders to get paid to HODL. frETH is not pegged to ETH. Its value comes from people using it to redeem NFTs early and burning it to earn the Freezer Revenue Token (FRZ).
With the help of the transfer tables, the incoming and outgoing transactions of the wallets that transferred the frETH token were checked and the token holders were determined.
By removing the addresses related to the institutions, the addresses of non-institutional holders and their balances were calculated.
At the end, the wallets were categorized based on the amount of balance and their status was presented.
In the above tables and charts, non-institutional wallets that hold frETH and their balance amount are displayed.
As seen in the pie chart, more than 65% of the total balance of non-institutional wallets belongs to a wallet with a balance of 2 frETH.
As you can see, wallets with a balance of less than 0.01 frETH balance have the largest number compared to others(11 distinct wallets).
We have only one wallet with a balance greater than 1 frETH.
4 wallets have a balance between 0.1 and 1 frETH and 3 wallets have a balance between 0.01 and 0.1 frETH.
The total balance of 4 wallets that have less than 1 frETH does not reach 1 frETH and is around 0.94 frETH.
As mentioned, we have only one wallet with a balance greater than 1 frETH , but the balance of this wallet is more than the total balance of wallets with less than 1 frETH .
The total balance of 11 wallets that had less than 0.01 frETH balance is about 0.0235 frETH .
4 wallets have a balance between 0.01 and 0.1 frETH, and their total balance is about 0.1 frETH.