dariustay_0512[OLD] DEXs by transaction volume
    Updated 2022-08-29
    WITH dexs AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM avalanche.core.dim_labels
    WHERE label_type = 'dex'
    AND label_subtype LIKE '%contract' -- includes general_contract, token_contract and swap contract

    tx_daily AS (
    date(block_timestamp) AS date,
    tx_hash AS tx,
    contract_address AS contract
    FROM avalanche.core.fact_event_logs
    WHERE tx_status = 'SUCCESS'

    joe AS (
    t.date AS date,
    COUNT(DISTINCT t.tx) AS tx
    FROM tx_daily t
    JOIN dexs d ON t.contract = d.address
    WHERE d.project_name = 'trader joe'
    GROUP BY 1

    pangolin AS (
    t.date AS date,
    COUNT(DISTINCT t.tx) AS tx
    FROM tx_daily t
    JOIN dexs d ON t.contract = d.address
    WHERE d.project_name = 'pangolin'
    GROUP BY 1

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