denze-e7j2NU% of Purchase Volume by Holders: Top Collections
    Updated 2023-05-30
    holder: wallet held an NFT at the start of the day, and still holds at least 1 as of current date


    -- in scope collections
    input_contracts AS (
    s.nft_address AS nft_contract_address
    , s.project_name AS name
    , sum(price_usd) AS vol_usd
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales s
    where true
    and s.block_timestamp >= date_trunc('day', current_timestamp)- interval '30 day'
    and s.block_timestamp < date_trunc('day', current_timestamp) - interval '1 day'
    and s.nft_address not in (
    '0x7881c3a8d4a8d8a5d6b648164de823142d8aaf5d' -- color lines
    , '0x4ba0be4d8d83b5ca9935d0e0284f707e8f2dd6d1' -- Metaligence
    , '0x595a8974c1473717c4b5d456350cd594d9bda687' -- mineablepunks
    , '0x81ae0be3a8044772d04f32398bac1e1b4b215aa8' -- dreadfulz
    , '0x1dfe7ca09e99d10835bf73044a23b73fc20623df' -- more loot
    group by 1,2
    having true
    and sum(price_usd) > 500000 -- volume threshold
    and min(block_timestamp) >= date_trunc('day', current_timestamp)- interval '30 day' -- age threshold
    order by vol_usd desc
    limit 50

    -- get all nft transfers for the given collection(s)
    , nft_transfers AS (
    t.nft_address AS nft_contract_address
    , t.tokenid AS token_id
    Run a query to Download Data