denze-e7j2NUSolana Segment Share
    Updated 2023-04-04
    date_trunc('day', a.block_timestamp) as time_unit
    when marketplace IN ('magic eden v2', 'Magic Eden') THEN 'magic eden'
    when marketplace IN ('coral cube', 'Coral Cube') THEN 'coral cube'
    ELSE marketplace
    END AS marketplace
    ,count(1) as sales_count
    ,sum(a.sales_amount) as sales_sol_amount
    ,sum(a.sales_amount * b.price) as sales_usd_amount
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales a
    left join ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices b on b.token_address ilike '0xD31a59c85aE9D8edEFeC411D448f90841571b89c'
    and b.hour = date_trunc('hour',a.block_timestamp)
    where a.block_timestamp >= current_date - interval '180 day'
    and a.block_timestamp < current_date
    group by 1,2
    order by 1,2
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