Optimism Bridge Bounties (Distinct Wallets)


    How many distinct wallets have deposited or withdrawn ETH to Optimism via the native bridge in the last 60 days? Visualize your findings.


    In the last 60 days,there have been 71.7K distinct wallets that have deposited ETH to Optimism via the native bridge

    Also, in these 60 days, there are 482 distinct wallets that have withdrawn ETH.


    In this dashboard, we display the number of distinct wallets that have deposited and withdrawn ETH using Table "ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers".

    And using the same table, we will get the daily amount of distinct wallets that have deposited and withdrawn ETH in last 60 days.

    The chart above also shows the daily number of distinct wallets that have deposited ETH. From May 31 to June 2, the number of these wallets has increased significantly.


    In the last chart, the number of wallets that we see that have withdrawn ETH to Optimism, the number of these wallets has increased since June 7.


    In the last 60 days, the number of deposits has been much higher than the number of withdrawals

    On June 1, the number of wallets that deposited ETH suddenly increased

    This sudden increase in ETH withdrawal occurred on June 8