Overtime Markets - Volume

    Analyze the total volume on Overtime Markets over the past two weeks. Which games received the most activity, both in total users and total $ volume? --Which sports are receiving the most bets in total dollar volume on a daily basis? Explain your findings.


    Overtime is a Sports AMM (Automated Market Maker). Users can "position" on the outcome of sports matches and cash out any winnings ALL ON-CHAIN.


    Analyze the total volume on Overtime Markets over the past two weeks. Which games received the most activity, both in total users and total $ volume?

    Which sports are receiving the most bets in total dollar volume on a daily basis? Explain your findings.


    Using lists and decodes of transactions into various sport tags and teams which shared by users of Flipside crypto in discord I could get extract my results from Optimism network.

    Tables will be handy on this dashboard are optimism.core.fact_event_logs optimism.core.dim_contracts


    Total volume on Overtime Markets in the last two weeks is 251K USD. Total unique users and bettors on Overtime Markets is 446 people.

    Daily graph of Usd volume shows a major increase in first 4 days then huge decrease which last for 4 days again and then starting a upward trend

    which turned to a constant and steady volume over the past week.

    Daily number of unique users and bettors of Overtime seems have a better condition but total movement is bearish and downward over the past 5 days.

    Highest number of unique users who used the platform are 136 users.

    Bettors can gamble and make bets on Overtime using 4 cryptocurrency: sUSD, USDT , USDC and DAI.

    Let's take a look and see which currency is used more and which one is the most popular between users.

    Over the last two weeks, sUSD with total 195K volume has the highest amount of used between currencies followed by USDC that have 52K USD volume

    Number of unique users who bet with sUSD is 1766 people while 256 users used USDC, 43 people choose Dai for trading and 27 users went for USDT.

    In order to know which sports have the highest volume on Overtime Markets I have shown above graphs.

    Results indicates that Baseball is the most profitable sport on platform by 89K USD volume over the past two weeks.

    After this sport people put their most bets on Soccer and MMA games. Volume consumed on Soccer is 68K USD.

    Below graphs shows the top 10 games that have gained the most unique bettors and most USD volume.

    Boston Red Sox vs New York Yankees game gained 20K USD over the past two weeks which makes it most active game in term of volume.

    Below graph on right side shows Baltimore Orioles vs Boston Red Sox game with 54 unique bettor had the most active users among all games.

    Key Insights

    Total volume on Overtime Markets in the last two weeks is 251K USD.

    Total unique users and bettors on Overtime Markets is 446 people.

    Bettors can gamble and make bets on Overtime using 4 cryptocurrency named as sUSD, USDT , USDC and DAI. Over the last two weeks, sUSD with total 195K volume has the highest amount of used between currencies. Baseball is the most profitable sport on platform by 89K USD volume. Boston Red Sox vs New York Yankees game gained 20K USD over the past two weeks which makes it most active game in term of volume Baltimore Orioles vs Boston Red Sox game with 54 unique bettor had the most active users among all games.