drone-mostafaCopy of Untitled Query
    Updated 2022-09-24
    count (distinct tx_hash) as TXN,
    count (distinct from_address) as Users,
    sum (tx_fee) as Fee,
    avg (tx_fee) as AVG_Fee,
    Min (tx_fee) as Min_Fee,
    Max (tx_fee) as Max_Fee,
    sum (gas_used) as Gas,
    when block_timestamp >= '2022-08-01' and block_timestamp < '2022-09-15' then 'Before Merge'
    when block_timestamp >= '2022-09-15' then 'After Merge' else null end as Merge
    from ethereum.core.fact_transactions
    where status = 'SUCCESS' and block_timestamp >= '2022-09-05' and block_timestamp <= '2022-09-24'
    group by Merge
    Run a query to Download Data