drone-mostafa2023-05-22 04:39 PM
    Updated 2023-05-22
    with mintable as (
    select event_contract,
    min (block_timestamp) as creation_Date
    from flow.core.fact_events
    group by 1 having creation_date >= '{{From_Date}}'),

    pricet as (
    select RECORDED_HOUR::date as day,
    ID as token_contract,
    avg (CLOSE) as USDPrice
    from flow.core.fact_hourly_prices
    group by 1,2),

    volumetable as (
    select tx_id,
    event_data:amount*usdprice as Volume1
    from flow.core.fact_events t1 join pricet t2 on t1.block_timestamp::date = t2.day and t1.event_contract = t2.token_contract
    where event_type in ('TokensWithdrawn','TokensDeposited','Deposit','Withdraw'))

    select date_trunc ({{Date_Trunc}},t1.block_timestamp) as date,
    count (distinct t1.event_contract) as Active_Contracts,
    sum (Volume1) as Volume,
    avg (Volume1) as Average_Volume,
    sum (Volume) over (order by date) as Total_Volume
    from flow.core.fact_events t1 join mintable t2 on t1.event_contract = t2.event_contract
    join volumetable t4 on t1.tx_id = t4.tx_id
    where t1.tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'
    group by 1
    order by 1 desc
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