drone-mostafaUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-05-27
    to_varchar(EVENT_INPUTS:pool) as pool,
    case when pool = '101' then 'Fuse7'
    when pool = '108' then 'Fuse18'
    when pool = '109' then 'Fuse6'
    when pool = '103' then 'Fuse14'
    when pool = '104' then 'Fuse15'
    when pool = '102' then 'Fuse13'
    when pool = '106' then 'Fuse11'
    when pool = '100' then 'Fuse4' END
    as fuse_pool,
    sum(EVENT_INPUTS:"amount"/pow(10,6)) as amount,
    case when TRUE then 'USDC' end as vault
    from flipside_prod_db.ethereum_core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_address = '0x66f4856f1bbd1eb09e1c8d9d646f5a3a193da569'
    and EVENT_NAME = 'PoolAllocation'
    and pool not in (1,2,3)
    GROUP by fuse_pool, pool
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