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Provide sAVAX Liquidity - Pharaoh Exchange

Supply sAVAX Liquidity, Earn Yield (+ BOOSTED Rewards)

Here’s what you’ll need to complete this quest:

  • sAVAX tokens
  • AVAX tokens

Users with Avalanche Scores of 6+ earn DOUBLE REWARDS (up to 0.12 AVAX) on this quest.

Users with Avalanche Scores of 0-5 can earn up to 0.06 AVAX.

Want to increase your Avalanche Score and earn more? Complete more quests on Flipside!


You will receive

AVAX10% up to 0.06 AVAX
Score 0-5
0/ 60
AVAX10% up to 0.12 AVAX
Score 6-15
0/ 121