SOL Swaps on Jupiter

    Jupiter is the best swap aggregator on Solana, meaning that it optimizes the best token swap rate across all decentralized exchanges for users. Since January 1st, how much SOL has been swapped for other tokens using Jupiter per day? Over the same time period, how much SOL has added from swaps using Jupiter per day? Create a visualization showing the flow of SOL from swaps on Jupiter since January 1st per day and provide insights around any spikes you see.


    Tokens swapped by SOL

    • In this chart, we had the highest exchange rate on January 7th. What is the reason for this large volume of exchanges in one day? Has it gained much popularity in one day? We face the opposite of these assumptions in this chart later (January 8), so what does it have to do with? And again in the following days, for example (January 23): we see an upward movement in this chart!

    Graph of token exchange with SOL in one day In this chart, we will still see an uptrend in the conversion of tokens to SOL, just like the previous chart on January 7th. (For example USDC ---> SOL swap) We see another uptrend, as in the previous chart on January 24, which may be related to the price changes of the dollar, oil and fundamental news that day.

    What did we see in these two charts of huge price changes? This is expected to happen in the coming days. But how influential is the hypothesis of the price of oil, the dollar, or political news?

    The Jupiter is the best liquid accumulator for Solana, using a variety of tokens and the best way to swap currency pairs.