A Closer Look At Chromie Squiggle
Chromie Squiggle is the top selling project on Art Blocks by total number of sales. It also has the full history from November 2020 to August 2021. This dashboard looks at if any specific feature(s) contribute to the price differences for different tokens i.e. if tokens with certain features are sold at a higher price.
Note: This feature analysis is done based on sold tokens with a sale price > 0; features with no feature values i.e. Bold, Full Spectrum, Fuzzy, HyperRainbow, Perfect Spectrum, Pipe, Slinky are not in the analysis.
Most of the sales happened on Art Blocks' own platform when they were minting a lot at the beginning. As minting stops, most of the sales move to Opensea and there is a tiny (single digit) amount of sales on Art Blocks and Rarible since February. The high price sales in August also happened on Opensea, with one single sale on Rarible at the amount of USD 34.1k.
By comparing different features from the sold tokens of Chromie Squiggle, the following features show differences in price:
- Starting color (0-50 and 151-200 have higher price)
- End color (higher value higher price, except for 0-50)
- Ribbed color (51-100 and above 200 have higher price)
- Segments (higher segment number higher price)
The Chromie Squiggle NFT was first minted in November 2020. The volumes for both mint and sale have dramatically increased in December 2020 and January 2021 to over 3000, then the minting decreased to almost none while the number of sales have been fluctuating south of 1000 since February 2021.
We know there are multiple versions of the Chromie Squiggle. So do all of them have similar prices or do certain versions with specific feature(s) get sold at a higher price? Looking at all the features available for each token, here is the summary:
- Starting color: values between 0-50 and 151-200 sell almost twice as much higher as compared to values between 101-150.
- End color: there is some difference but not that big. It seems the higher the value the higher the sale price, except for values between 0-50.
- Ribbed color: difference is quite big, values between 51-100 and above 200 get sold at the highest price.
- Segments: there is a decreasing trend with price i.e. the higher the segment number the higher the price.
- Height: difference seems big on average price where height = 4's price is 7x of the height = 3 price. But when looking at median price the difference disappears. This could be due to one single high price sale that pulls up the average price.
- Color spread: difference is very small except for the first bucket (color spread = 1). Again when looking at median price, the first bucket is also not that much different from the others. This is also due to few high price sales that pull the average price up.
- Color direction: No difference between forward or reverse color direction.