Performance of Art Blocks Playground Collections

    Playground is one of the 3 types of projects in Art Blocks that is available to artists who successfully finish a curated project. It offers the artist a playground to deploy a collection of their own choice. This dashboard looks at the performance of the playground collections compared to the curated collections.



    The total number of sale for curated collections (22k) is lower than the playground collections (35k); whereas the average sale price for curated is higher (USD 6708) than playground (USD 5690).

    The number of sales for playground collections were below / similar to curated collections, but since June it has exceeded the curated collections. The sales volume for curated collections are relatively stable compared to playground, where a sudden jump occurred in June, July and August.

    The sale price for playground collections is less than half of the curated collections in most of the month. The price trend for the two on the other have a similar pattern, where prices started to pick up in July and jumped up significantly in August and September.

    (Note: September data is incomplete as the month hasn't finished yet for all the figures below.)

    Playground vs. Curated by Artist

    It seems half of the artists' curated collections were sold at a higher price than their playground collections; whereas the other half of the artists' playground collections where sold for more than curated.

    For the artists with high total number of sales, most of the sales come from their playground collection. It also shows that for most of the artists the total number of sales from playground is more than from curated. This could be due to the fact that most of the sale volumes come from the recent 2-3 months where playground collections have increased dramatically.

    Looking at the total dollar amount sold, half of them (around 8 artists) have higher playground collections sold in USD than curated collections; the other half is the opposite.

    Looking at the top artist by average sale price - Dmitri Cherniak, ever since he started his playground collection, it has always been selling at a higher average price than his curated collection even though the number of sales are much lower than the curated collections.

    For the top artist by number of sales - Alexis André, this is exactly the opposite. His playground collections were sold at a much lower price than his curated collections even though the number of sales from the playground collections is higher.


    There are more playground collection sales than curated sales in total, mainly due to the increase in the playground collection sales in July and August. The historic average sale price for curated collections is slightly higher (USD6708) than the playground collections (USD5690).

    When looking at playground collection sale performance at an artist level, there doesn't seem to be a clear trend - the data shows approximately half of the artists' playground collections sells more or at a higher price; while the other half shows the opposite. It is therefore inconclusive to say if playground collection always sells more in numbers, higher in prices, or vice versa.